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Bob & Ben The Petcare Men

Diatomaceous Earth Powder (Food Grade) - 2kg

Diatomaceous Earth Powder (Food Grade) - 2kg

Regular price $38.00 NZD
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Diatomaceous Earth Powder is made of tiny fossilized diatoms which are a healthy natural supplement for pets. Diatomaceous Earth can be used to aid in flea and worm control of dogs and cats and/or as a gut health supplement.

Why it works:

Examined under a microscope and magnified 7000x these tiny diatoms appear as spiny honeycombs or tiny cheese-grater like cylinders. These microscopic cylinders are extremely hard and sharp. On the hardness scale, diamonds are 9, DE is 7, insect exo-skeletons are typically rated a 3.

The upside of which is when insects (ants, fleas, flies, cock-roaches to name but a few) come into contact with DE it ultimately kills them. The tiny particles of the sharp and hard DE stick to the insect, abrasively rub through and serrate their epi-cuticle and joints, absorb their bodily fluids and they die of dehydration. This process is purely mechanical not chemical. As such there is no build up or chemical residue, the insect cannot build up immunity or become tolerant to it. 

DE is a desiccant. It absorbs moisture – some six times its own weight. DE is death to bugs – every time! However, the insect must come into contact with DE in order for it to work. As a result Fossil Shell Flour is used extensively in domestic and commercial applications as a natural insecticide with OMRI organic registration.

How to use for fleas:

For managing fleas without pharmaceutical treatment, just distribute the powder in your home environment (carpet is a good place to start). When fleas come into contact with Diatomaceous Earth, the sharp points of the diatoms stick to the flea and abrasively rub into the epi-cuticle, ultimately killing them. We don't recommend rubbing this into your cat or dogs coat, the fine dust may be inhaled and cause irritation of the airways.

How to use for worms:

For managing worms without pharmaceutical treatment, feed daily as a small portion in their food. The hard and sharp honeycombs of the diatoms will lacerate the worms of the gut and cause them to release their grip on the intestinal walls so they can be passed out.

Additionally when ingested, Diatomaceous Earth can cleanse the colon and intestinal passages, removing excess mucous and bad bacterial build-ups. This will improve digestibility of nutrients in the gut, a good detox to consider if your animal is struggling with their digestion despite probiotic support.

What does food grade mean?

There are varying grades of DE. Food grade is fresh-water based Fossil Shell Flour.

Dosage in food:

When adding to food:

  • Dogs up to 5kg feed a pinch on food daily
  • 5-15kg feed 1/4 teaspoon daily
  • 15kg+ feed 1/2 to 1 teaspoon daily

Avoid any inhalation, mix into food

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