Collection: Mighty Mix

Mighty Mix Dog Food is quality tucker that’s good for your dog. Made right here in New Zealand and 100% kiwi owned and operated. It’s cost-effective, natural and wholesome nutrition. For puppies through to older dogs, Mighty Mix Dog Food contains no artificial colours, flavours or preservatives. Mighty Mix has a wide range of dog food products for all dogs; large or small, high-energy or inactive.

Established in 1992 as a product specially formulated for hardworking dogs, Mighty Mix is for all dogs; large or small, high-energy or in active, with puppies and older dogs benefiting from our uniquely formulated product. We’re passionate about the well being of our dogs and proud to be a 100% kiwi owned and operated family business.

Looking for a particular item? We stock a selection of this range, but we can get others from the supplier. If there is a particular variety that we don't have that you want, please tell us and we will stock it for you. Email