Collection: Hills Science Diet

Premium wellness nutrition for healthy, happy pets

Hill’s Science Diet provides science-led nutrition to support pets’ ever-changing needs. Our portfolio also includes specialised nutrition for pets’ weight, skin, stomach and more.

All Science Diet dry foods offer:

  • Natural, great tasting ingredients — with high-quality protein as ingredient #1
  • Precise nutrition to support healthy skin, coat and stool
  • Clinically proven antioxidants for a healthy immune system

Nutrition Every Dog Needs

Maybe your dog has gained a few kilos, his breath could be fresher, or perhaps you're interested in a dog food that uses natural ingredients. Either way, the best dog food is the one that puts your pet's health first.

Everyday health and vitality is important for any dog, which is why Hill's provides a variety of foods designed for common health concerns:

  • Weight management
  • Joint & mobility
  • Healthy skin & coat
  • Healthy digestion
  • Dental & oral care
  • Energy & mental wellbeing
Looking for a particular item? We stock a small selection of the Hills range, but we can get others from the supplier. If there is a particular variety that we don't have that you want, please tell us and we will stock it for you. Email