Click & Collect

We provide a 'click & collect' service from our physical locations.

To use this service, go to our online shop at and select your goods. When you get to checkout select one of these three shipping options:

  • Pick up from Maungaturoto shop at 157 Hurndall Street, or
  • Pick up from Market in One Tree Point, or
  • Pick up roadside.

We will email you to confirm when the goods will be at the pick up location.

The shop pick up will usually be the following working day. The shop is open Tuesday - Saturday.

The market pick up will be at the Marsden Cove Marina Market, which is on the 4th Sunday of each month.

The roadside pick up is at a mutually agreed location. We will email you directly to discuss and arrange this.

If you have a question about our pick up service, please email or phone Steve at 027 292 4891.